Extremoz precisa

Extremoz precisa
Sempre há lugar para mais um!

domingo, 29 de abril de 2012


Saturday, April 29, 2012


At the beginning of this year we concentrated our forces in building the church, especially the new converts, to prepare them so that in the near future they are able to assist us in the Work. Work with children has improved, we have prayed a lot for us to improve this ministry, preparing the teachers better and discovering others, acquiring new materials etc.. PRAY for this! The ministry with youth and adolescents has improved each day, giving us much joy. They have taught Bible studies to young believers and their classmates. This year the youth group completes two years of operation. As a result of the efforts of the brethren in discipleship, we have nine brethren wishing to go through the waters of baptism: Danilo (16), Barbara (16), Rita (36), Giovanna (15), David Tenorio (17); Dayane Tenorio (15) ; Camila (16); Sullivan (14) and Samara (22). PRAY that they may grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. In July the house of prayer in Extremoz will celebrate its tenth anniversary of the inauguration and the church decided to make an Evangelistic Crusade evangelizing door to door and doing work with children (Vacation Bible School) in the house of prayer. We need your PRAYERS very much. We have challenged the brethren of our churches here in Rio Grande do Norte and other states to join us. If you feel challenged to participate with us in this endeavour, please contact us by one of our addresses. The health of sister Noemia is very complicated. She moved to Natal, where one of her daughters lives, to get greater care required by her health. We have prayed for us to continue providing assistance to this sister, who while her physical conditions permitted cooperated a lot with the preaching of the Gospel here in Extremoz. On 31/3 and 1/4, I and brother Celso were in Pernambuco visiting the brethren Severino and Marli, who came from the church in Senador Camara, in Rio de Janeiro-RJ, for the purpose of giving them support. God willing we want to return to Riacho das Almas-PE in May with a larger group. In the blog there are photos of the journey we made. The work in Ceará Mirim-RN has grown, our brethren Ederlee and Ana Cristina have worked hard for that. Besides the class with children they have built a study group with teenagers and do individual Bible studies with some adults. Glaucia continues studying the Bible with Marinalva and recently started Bible study with Catiane, for whom we ask you to PRAY. We have prayed that, as soon as possible, we may start having meetings on Sunday evenings in Ceará Mirim and also for a couple of workers to engage themselves to this town and so meet the need for a local witness. On 20/4 our son Davi completed eight years, praise God. We leave in the love of Christ ... (21/04/2012).

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