Extremoz precisa

Extremoz precisa
Sempre há lugar para mais um!

domingo, 21 de abril de 2013


However, I do not care, nor do I consider my life of any value to myself, if only they can finish the race and complete the ministry that the Lord Jesus has given me, to bear witness of God's grace "(Acts 20:24 .) On 8/4 we went to Barro- CE to begin building a house of prayer, the first one in Ceará. We were a group of brothers: Liese Hundt, Celso L. Castro, Luciano Camargo, two young man from the church in Extremoz: Kliverson and David. Brother Cicero and José Luis are helping us . After five years of evangelism through Mission SEARA, praise God for this great opportunity to fulfill the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus. This is a very special moment for us and for all who have supported us in PRAYER, financial assistance, labor and words of encouragement. Pray for Cicero's  family who have always welcomed us and worked in the building. Pray also for  Cezar, who is a builder that is helping us, he is not converted. Pray also for the financial supply for the conclusion of construction of the house of prayer in that place where  there are twelve brothers converted and baptized, and children and other adults who attend the meetings. It was a week in which we were very required  physically, but it was very productive because we could build the foundation of the rooms and restrooms and start the walls, and there were some meetings of Bible studies and evangelism. PRAY that the Lord  supply us the resources to continue and finish the work. Next month, the Lord willing, we will return to  continue the building, for this we need your PRAYERS and contributions. Those who wish to participate financially can do so through the account SEARA Bradesco, agency 2134-2, current account 019261-9. Through the website www.seara.org.br and blog:http://correiomissionario.blogspot.com you can get the necessary information on how to contribute and more missionary challenges  in the Northeast field. By SEARA, the love of Christ www.parceirodaobradomestre.blogspot.com

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